How Long Do Dysport/Botox Injections Last?

How does Dysport work?

If you’ve heard of Botox before, you already have an edge on understanding how Dysport works. It helps to think of the two cosmetic injectable treatments as cousins, as they use slightly different versions of the same active ingredient. 

Both Botox and Dysport are derivatives of botulinum toxin, a naturally occurring neurotoxin often referred to by scientists and skincare experts as the “miracle poison.” While the raw toxin is dangerous, Botox and Dysport contain an altered, much safer purified protein version known as botulinum toxin type A or abobotulinumtoxinA. 

The neurotoxic effects of Dysport are why it is categorized as a neuromodulator

Neuromodulators are a larger, more general category of messengers that regulate and transmit neurons in the body. Specifically, botulinum toxin type A works as a neuromuscular blocking agent, preventing acetylcholine (a neurotransmitter that communicates with muscle) released by the motor nerve terminals.

That means that when Dysport is injected into the muscle under the areas receiving treatment, it effectively paralyzes it. Comparatively, Botox is three to four times stronger than Dysport. 

However, that doesn’t make it more “effective” for treating specific concerns, mainly depending on the results you’re looking to achieve. Treatment can be adjusted depending on the look you are trying to achieve and how natural you want your results to appear.  


What areas is Dysport best at treating?

The creators of Dysport formulated the injectable specifically to help treat glabellar lines, which are the frown lines that form between the eyebrows. You may have heard people refer to these lines as the “11s” before, as there are often two, and they appear vertically next to each other. 

In general, Dysport (and Botox as well) help to treat dynamic wrinkles. Unlike static wrinkles, which are visible on your face no matter what facial movements you are making, dynamic wrinkles occur due to facial expressions. 

Frowning, smiling, worrying and surprise can all have a different impact on the way fine lines and wrinkles show up on your face. Dysport helps to stop those movements from being as significant while also helping to smooth out the skin. 

Although created to help minimize the appearance of glabellar lines, Dysport injections are also used to help treat fine lines and dynamic wrinkles on the forehead, around the eyes, nose and mouth or on the neck, jaw and chin.

These wrinkles often begin to make an appearance when people are in their late 20s or early 30s.  

If you’re dealing with static wrinkles, dermal filler (like Juvaderm, Restylane, Sculptra or Radiesse) is a better option. Instead of relaxing the muscles underneath the skin, static wrinkles need to be filled in to be less visible. 

Dermal fillers can be safely combined with Dysport (or Botox) if you’re dealing with dynamic and static wrinkles, too. 

Is there anything I should do to prep for a Dysport injection appointment?

Before Dysport injections, there isn’t much that you need to do to “prepare.” However, there are some tips and tricks to getting the most optimal results while also minimizing the potential for side effects. 

If you tend to have more sensitive or reactive skin, these factors are even more critical. 

Our first tip is to schedule your Dysport appointment – especially if you’ve never had these injections before – at least two weeks out from any major events. Once you know how your skin will react, you may not need that much time. 

You may also want to avoid using certain medications for at least one week before your appointment. NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) like ibuprofen, aspirin, vitamin A, vitamin E and other supplements may increase your risk for bleeding or bruising afterward. 

Of course, you must check with your medical provider before discontinuing any medications. 

A few lifestyle changes may also be beneficial and reduce the time you deal with any Dysport-related side effects. Watching what you eat, including cutting out spicy foods and foods high in salt, processed sugar and complex carbs, and taking a break from smoking tobacco and drinking alcohol for at least a few days can also help. 

You should also avoid using any overly exfoliating facial scrubs or potentially irritating skin care products (like retinol) for the same period of time. That way, your skin will be as healthy as possible and ready for your appointment!

What will my Dysport injection appointment be like?

Dysport injections usually are much quicker and less invasive than people often think. If it’s your first time having Dysport injections, knowing what to expect is excellent at helping to minimize the anxiety that often surrounds any procedure with needles and the possibility of discomfort. 

At Skin Pharm, every new Dysport injection starts with a consultation by one of our advanced practice providers. We’ll talk to you about your specific skin goals and then confirm that Dysport is the best injection to help you reach those goals. 

The procedure itself usually takes no more than 20 minutes or so. The first question most people ask is if there will be any discomfort involved with their injections. The answer to that is, while Dysport injections aren’t entirely comfortable, the needles we use are incredibly small in diameter. 

Most of our patients describe the feeling as just a slight pinprick.

Once we have finished with your Dysport injections, the downtime is minimal. For most, the side effects of treatment involve redness, swelling or bruising at the injection sites. If you develop any of these symptoms, they last just a few hours on average. 

Many people choose to return to work or their day-to-day lives immediately after their appointment. 

When are the effects of Dysport visible?

Cosmetic treatments run the gamut between those with immediate results and those that take some time to develop fully. Dysport (and Botox) tend to fall somewhere in the middle of that range. 

For most, the visible changes associated with Dysport injections start to show up just a few days after your appointment. Due to its neuromodulating method of action, the effects of Dysport slowly appear as it spreads throughout the muscle. 

As it continues to stop the muscle from contracting, the results continue to improve, with peak effects visible about one to four weeks later. 

Dysport tends to be a little quicker acting and a little more long-lasting than Botox, so if you’re looking for a slightly more natural look and more bang for your buck, it may be the right choice for you. 

How long does Dysport last?

Deciding to invest in yourself can be difficult for some people, especially if that decision involves needles. No matter the results, no one wants to return every week to perform a procedure. 

To help you plan, a basic understanding of how long you can expect Dysport to last and how often you are likely to need repeat injections is essential.

The most important thing to understand is that everyone is different. We all react differently to medication, and our personal metabolism and tolerance to treatments can also vary. 

Dysport, like Botox, is temporary. 

For most people, their injections start to wear off about three to four months after their visit. This doesn’t happen all at once, though. Because of how Dysport affects the muscle, the nerves will start firing again slowly at first. 

That means that you will begin to see more and more of your natural facial movements and expressions show through, as well as the return of the fine lines and wrinkles that result from them. 

This means that they will need to update their Dysport injections about four times a year for most people. Some people, however, prefer to get them slightly sooner than that, usually before their injections have worn off entirely. 


How long does Dysport last? What areas are best for treatment? The answers to those questions can help guide you through planning your treatment course. When you have more information about how each cosmetic treatment works, you have the power to be your best advocate. 



Neuromodulators: an essential part of survival | PubMed (

Acetylcholine - Neuroscience | PubMed

BotoxJenna Rogers